White Tanks Hobbies offers a variety of 3D printed details in 28mm and similar scales. Using various bits from the WTH range I created a few pieces of scatter terrain for use in modern tabletop games such as Infinity, The Walking Dead: All Out War, and others.
When making terrain I use 1/8th inch chipboard for a base. I cut out pieces and shape the edges with a utility knife. Next I pick and place my pieces and, once I'm satisfied with the positioning, using super glue, I fix them in place.
Next comes the "dirt". I brush diluted PVA glue onto the board and drop sifted fine sand over the glue. After everything is dried I prime everything in black with a zenithal highlight in white. Everything gets a base coat in acrylics followed by several layers of weathering in acrylic washes.
Another round of diluted PVA glue (this time thinned further with IPA to reduce surface tension) is brushed into all the areas where I want foliage. Flocking is dropped in place and excess is shaken off. Leaves are placed paying particular attention to corners where leaves would accumulate. Finally a wash is applied to the leaves. Multiple coats of matt varnish help to hold everything in place and protect the paint from wear during tabletop games.
Now for the glamor shots! 28mm miniatures from Anvil Industries used for scale.

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